Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind (15)

Directed by Michel Gondry, Written by Charlie Kaufman
On general release from 30th April 2004

Reviewed by Lesley Fraser

This film takes you on a journey through the minds of two people who were once in love but the relationship breaks down and they decide, not only to part company but undergo brain surgery to erase their recollections of each other! Tragically, Joel (Jim Carrey) has second thoughts once the procedure has already begun. He experiences flashbacks of his time with Clementine (Kate Winslet) and tries desperately to hold on to them, as if she is dying. Meantime their relationship is taken to a unique level when clinic receptionist Mary (Kirsten Dunst) ‘jogs’ their memories of each other.

This is a very intriguing film which takes you through a quirky, romantic relationship using memories to reveal the characters. The cinematography displayed throughout is nothing short of excellent. It is faithful to the Kaufman style of film, demonstrating similar artistic twists and turns to Being John Malkovich. The paring of Carrey and Winslet was a good choice; Carrey proves he can play a more serious and moody role whilst Winslet is just so lovely.

The movie does require a little more concentration than most; there are the hurdles of shaky camera shots and flashbacks to get over but the storyline becomes so intense that you remain glued right to the end. It’s thrilling, go and see it.