YMCA - Asylum Slavery

The plan by Liverpool YMCA to run a project that puts failed asylum seekers to work while they wait to be deported has been dropped after pressure from trades unions and campaigning groups.
The YMCA was to have been the first voluntary sector agency to help the government in this immigration slavery scheme.
Asylum seekers would have been forced on to do unpaid community service in return for accommodation, while they waited to be deported. They would also have to sign a document relinquishing their claim to asylum and agree to be deported at any time. This is forced labour and a breach of Human Rights.
A spokesperson for 'No One Is Illegal' told the YMCA "We are appalled by your agreement to allow Liverpool YMCA to "pilot" the scheme. "A basic issue of principle is at stake here. Our position is that immigration controls cannot be sanitised, cannot be rendered 'just', cannot be made 'fair'. All involvement on this basis only results in collusion in immigration slavery."
Although the YMCA has dropped their plans for the scheme, the government are still pushing for its introduction.

Catalyst Comment:
It is clear that this issue is not just affecting asylum seekers. In previous issues we have exposed organisations like 'Reeds in Partnership' and other agencies who have been pressuring people on JSA into forced slave labour jobs. Furthermore, the government's latest campaign to force those on Incapacity Benefit into work makes the whole issue of forced employment/voluntary work an issue that could affect anyone. An attack against one is an attack against all, so everyone should organise to fight these outrageous projects.