
"The Price of Gold" by Paul Littler

The sixties saw those hippy dreams, of love and peace
Turn to ash, from the blistering white, napalm-heat, of new technology.
While workers were replaced, by mindless gadgetry.

East-West clashed. The global-scheme,was almost dashed.
When the Sheiks’ shook an oily-stick, at the Brethren.
The Company-men conspired to Privatise Parliament.
Callaghan the fool, was chosen to rule, the Fifty-First-$tate.

A Punk-ethic was possessed, by those,with peroxide hair, and Safety nets.
They spat at their fans, & this trend was mirrored by the Union-men.
Who played-into the hands, of those,who gained-most from their castration.

The Greedy-man thinks not, of what is at stake.
Like brainless bees, they flew into the trap.
The Winter of Discontent, was a plot by knaves, to turn us into slaves.
Then came the reign, of the brass-baroness.

Now the sun has set on the Century.
U.K. P.L.c is a Reality. The millennium came and went.
The Fourth-World-War, began at Noon, on 9/11.
Liberties are about to end.

Corporocrats dictate, who will starve, or feast.
Profiteers, do not fear, any legal constraint.
Boardrooms are filled, by those who would kill, for commercial success.
The democracy-myth is a mess. The price of life is measured in gold
I want to know - how do you weigh a human soul?

"Antony Gormley, what the Hell do you Mean?" by Jan Sear

A full hundred of you hang out, iron-cast, naked, identikits,
straddling the strand as if you owned the place. Configured
by daylight in blackened formation, no communication,
silently spaced in distinct, arty patterns, gazing beyond,
growing in stature as waves fling back, and we watchers
blandly consider, try to intellectualise, about why the hell you're there ....

Yet, I'm told that at night the wild dancing begins, and with the
partying in full swing, you jog out of the sea, abandon posts,
stuff yourself with home-produced jam butties, sup
Cain's ale, make mayhem on the beach 'til dawn, when
drunkedly double-shuffling you return to position, brains
addled by constant hangovers, and I seriously ask myself
is it any wonder you're all so silent by day?

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