URGENT! Stop BBC Local Radio Cuts!


The BBC are considering cuts that will disproportionately and drastically affect local radio, leading to stations sharing programmes regionally for part of their schedule, and sharing an "all-England"(?!) local radio show in the evenings. Radio Merseyside would lose staff and programmes, including Folkscene and other music shows, and community programmes.

The consultation on the "Delivering Quality First"(!) cuts proposals is open until 21st December. Please write to oppose the cuts & encourage others to do so too. Information, links and lots of suggestions here: newsandreviews.liverpoolacoustic.co.uk

Attached to this email is an eloquent description of the importance of local and so-called "specialist" music programming to Liverpool, and what we stand to lose if these cuts go through, written by our friend Stan Ambrose, who co-founded Folkscene:

"Like so many one-size-fits-all pronouncements, the BBC’s cost-cutting plans for local radio will turn out to be damagingly disproportionate in their proposed presentation - taking little or no account of the social and cultural needs of the most vulnerable members of our dynamic multi-cultural community - the old, the lonely, the blind, the infirm, the jobless and low earners etc. The very heart of the disinherited 99%. Not forgetting of course the house bound, who depend profoundly on their local BBC station to keep in touch with their local community, backed up by the ‘A’ team call centre. In total, an all-round dependable neighbourly ‘friend’ and lifeline.

Polls have established that substantially more people listen to Radio Merseyside than any other radio station outside London. Local listening far supersedes that of commercial and other BBC stations. It goes without saying that, for many, Radio Merseyside is their one, and often only station of choice. ... " (please do read on in the attached Word document & share it widely!)

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