Cuts and more Cuts

On the 5th March 2014 Liverpool Council will vote in more cuts. According to the Guardian, Liverpool is the poorest place in the country [economically that is], and will be the most deeply cut of all by nearly twice the national average. With 56% of its funding gone, it will now cut 25% of statutory adult and children social services, with mass closures of adult day centres and children's centres, with more libraries and swimming pools going.

Meanwhile Mayor Joe Anderson says: "If I could protect these services in any way, I would."

Well instead of implementing cuts Joe, you could fight back by putting forward a 'NO CUTS' policy.

All the major political parties have accepted that cuts will go on indefinitely, so at what point will our local politicians say “ENOUGH!” and start talking about how to keep our vital community services?

Protest against more cuts on Budget Day, 5 March, 4.30pm at Liverpool Town Hall

This round of cuts will see:

  • £42m slashed from the Adult Social Care budget over the next three years. This includes a proposal to significantly reduce the number of council day centres by 2015/16.
  • £16m slashed from Children’s Services. This includes a significant reduction in the number of council-run Children’s Centres by 2015/16.
  • A £500,000 reduction in spending on library services year on year – in addition to a saving of £1m annual saving agreed last year – which will significantly reduce council-run services in some communities. On top of £1 million cuts agreed last year, this will likely see the number of libraries cut to a quarter of what they were before Anderson's mayoralty.
  • £4m slashed from the budget in the council’s Lifestyle Centres, including the closure of Park Road and Everton Park centres, starting with their swimming facilities.
  • The likely abolition of school road crossing patrols, to be offset by pelican crossings
  • Slashing the voluntary sector
  • Likely loss of 300 council jobs

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